Friday, December 30, 2011


     I have never been much of a chili buff so here is my easy way of doing it so that I don't really have to think too much about it and focus on the important things in life such as television.

Skill Level: Below easy
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min

  • 2 Lbs Ground beef, chicken or turkey.
    Really whatever you like. If you want to get really fancy maybe I'll divulge the Saloon's recipe one day. Please hold your breath.
  • 2 Packets of chili seasonings (I usually use McCormick)
  • 4 Cans of tomato sauce
  • 1 Can kidney beans (I don't like beans but feel free to use another can) Undrained
  • 1/2 Finely chopped red onion
  • As much cheddar cheese as you can put on it
  • Sour cream if you like (I do not)
  1. Brown meat in giant pan.
  2. Drain fat
  3. Add all cans, onions and seasoning packet to pan*
  4. Let simmer for 10-20 minutes to blend all ingredients
  5. Serve very hot and add CHEESE!!!!
* After I brown meat I actually just throw it all in the crock pot for an hour or so seems to bring out the flavor more

Hope you all enjoy, I know this was like the easiest thing on the face of the planet, well next to some girl I used to know!
Eat up and I'll see you next week!---<3 R

Thursday, December 29, 2011

To the Start of a Ronco-relationship: Rotisserie Chicken and Gravy

     As many of you know I have receive a Ronco Rotisserie for Christmas from my mother in law Joy. It was probably one of the best gifts EVER! So here is the first recipe I made with the new love of my life. You can do this with out a Ronco, even though I recommend everyone buys one!

Skill Level: Easy
Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10-15 Minutes per pound


  • 5-6 Lb Chicken
  • Gravy (I use Heinz Chicken Gravy, then add the drippings from the meat into it)
  • Olive oil
  • Thyme (fresh)
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic Powder
  • Garlic Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Cumin
  • Paprika
  • Frankenmuth chicken seasoning (It looks like this and you can find it online)


  1. Clean and rinse out chicken's insides. They are gross and hopefully come in a bag. I cook up the chicken livers for Daisy she loves them!
  2. Pat Chicken dry
  3. Drizzle olive oil over bird (no more then 1Tbs per side).Sprinkle all the above seasonings on both sides of the chicken generously. You can add more or less as to you're liking. Mine looked like this:
  4. If you have a Ronco spear the meat! Set it and forget it!!! Well, for an hour and a half. If not preheat your oven to 350 and cook for the same amount of time or until the internal temperature reaches about 160-165.

  6. When there is about 10 minutes left put the gravy in a saucepan and start to heat.
  7. Remove bird from cooker (whatever it may be) and set out on a serving plate.
  8. Render drippings from pan and scoop out all the crud (cause who really knows what the heck it is) and add the filtered drippings to the gravy and get it super hot.
  9. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving!
This is what mine looked like when it was done:

Notice the wine!

     It was actually amazing to get this because I have only wanted this machine since I was 5. Some people dream of weddings and kids, I dreamt of Ronco and Chef Tony knives. Chris and I literally watched that thing for an hour and a half. It was glorious!

     Please send me any suggestions, I am open to cooking and trying anything you guys may want!! -- <3 R